Summer is over, and I am a little nostalgic for it. The kids went to camps, swimming and art classes. And many play-dates. We did very little beach and pool going since heat and too much driving are very uncomfortable for a pregnant woman like me. It was not the usual summer we have with once a week beach and many more pool trips, but I think it was still fun. We also worked on variety of workbooks and reading which were great for Samuel. His reading and basic math skills have greatly improved. Esther also became interested in work books and always had to work along with Samuel. The two also played well together. No wonder Esther is so lonely without her brother around. I was able to fit a few home projects since we have a baby on the way. It was a productive summer, but I think I started too many project which will not be finished for a year or so. I should have been more realistic.
We also went to a fun family reunion in New Braunfels which was super fun for the kids and very relaxing for me. They floated down the river a couple of times a day with their dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a couple of super cute baby cousins. I stayed in our hotel room and watched movies, worked on pictures, or read. I will post some pictures of the reunion soon.
Here is a picture of Esther having done her favorite puzzle over again. She loves doing puzzles, and I never have to ask her to do any of them.
This is before the kids went to bed and I had to have this moment captured.
Samuel also lost his two top front teeth! (Still as cute as a button.)
The one time I took the kids to the pool. :(