Tuesday, March 13, 2012

KONY 2012

If you have not seen this movie yet, please do.  Your watching something on line today can make a difference.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Her Debut

Magdalene Brooklyn has been with us for five months now.   She came on the morning of October 1st, 2011.  She was a little late, a week or so, and so claimed her own birthday month.  We have been blessed immensely with another healthy child.  Her dad called her an angel this morning, and that is really the best way to describe her.  She is a great sleeper and has a calm and content demeanor, which is not far from what our other two children were as babies.  Maggie, as we often end up calling her, is probably one of the most loved babies on the planet.  Samuel and Esther adore her, and we all can't get enough of kissing and holding her.  I am sorry that I have not been able to post earlier about her, but the holidays got in the way. Now that the dust has settled, I will post more regularly.