Our beautiful and smart Esther turned five a couple of weeks ago! Her actual birthday fell on Labor day this year, just like the day she was born on. Her day started out with her favorite breakfast which is crepes with Nutella, then she opened her gifts, played with them, and in the afternoon we went to her favorite summer place: the splash park pool. Since daddy was out of town, we had a Birthday party with her friends the following Saturday.
These are some of the things Esther likes in her great fifth year:
Favorite color: rainbow (we did not know either such a color existed before she came along);
When she grows up she will be: a gymnast;
Favorite thing to do: go to school (I would add: she loves to color, do crafts, and build puzzles.).
Her favorite food: crepes.
The theme for her party was Olivia - the energetic, resourceful, curios, and independent cute piglet. The last Olivia book is hilarious. We now have all the original Olivia books by Ian Falkoner. We have Half Price Books to thank for that. The girls strung a candy neckless, painted, colored, and played musical chairs. Later we had lunch, read a couple of the Olivia books and of course we had cake! Esther had a happy day...
Last year I did not post about her Birthday. I was very pregnant then. Esther wanted to have her 4th Birthday party at Chuck-e-Cheese. That is what her brother wanted to do, so consequently that is what she wanted to do.