Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Love, love, love....

We had three very busy but fun and love filled months.   We had friends and family stay with us, we celebrated two Birthdays, one baptism, and of course Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas in between.  We loved every minute of these months, even though, as Lora Lee says, I might need a long winter's nap after.  Our guest room feels so empty and cold... We miss all who came and stayed with us...I hope to soon post many pictures of all that ensued.  Here is a picture of Maggie and my miracle-baby nephew who is healthy, happy, and oh so handsome.  His mother, my sister that is, endured much to bring him into this world.  After fighting the conviction of the majority of the Bulgarian medical community that a baby with SVT cannot be carried out full term, going through various and not well known treatments, and many prayers on our part, through a C-section she delivered this sweet boy.  I can proudly say that I gave him his first bath in the kitchen sink.  He has a special place in my heart...