Monday, July 25, 2011

We'll be five

It's been so long since I actually posted something substantial.  So, today is the day to announce officially to the whole world, outside of our little world of family and friends, that we are excitedly expecting our third child.  A baby girl will join us in September.  We are very blessed and happy that we are given another soul to love and bring up.  Well, there is no guarantee that we won't mess it up some along the way, but isn't that what parenting is about anyway?  You learn as you go and vow to not make any of the mistakes your own parents made... And then you find yourself making mistakes that make your parents look like saints.  You hold your head in your palms and wonder how you got on this road anyway!  Oh, well... Once our children are parents themselves, they will forgive us and will be confessing to us with tearful eyes how they just messed up their own kid by doing this or that...  And the circle of life goes on...

We think we have a name.  It was hard this time since we've been giving our children biblical names of people with exemplary lives.  We thought it nice for the children to have a story to go to and be reminded of what these people stood for.  It seems that there are so many boy names with great stories, but it is much harder to find a name for a girl.  The name does not only have to have a good story, but it should neither sound too strange, nor should it be so common that it is already taken by a family member or a close friend.  So, it is hard to match "Esther".  But we think we've found one that is just as meaningful and rare.  Stay tuned to find out what it will be.


  1. congratulations! we will soon be neighbors, sort of. we are moving to dallas next week. we should get together some time! xo

  2. That is awesome! I am so happy for you guys. Did you hear we are moving back to London? We are headed there in a few weeks. Keep in touch!

  3. I am very excited to find out what you choose for her name and see how beautiful she is because you have definitely proven that all you can produce are gorgeous children!

  4. So exciting!! We're glad that there will be more Heatons to go around. You are such wonderful people and your new baby girl is lucky for sure. Enjoy the final weeks of your pregnancy!

  5. I am so excited for you. Hope everything goes well for you in the next few weeks. Can't wait to see her and know her name!
