Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Making of Memories

Around Thanksgiving I made eight pies, for various occasions, from scratch--roasting the pumpkins, rolling the crusts, etc. They taste great, and thus all the hard work is worth it. And, I have to admit, I love making them. It brings back memories of home. I used to watch my grandma make perfect paper-thin crusts for her pies. She rolled the dough so effortlessly and never measured anything. She'd put this and that and her magic worked every single time! Also, there is nothing like the smell of roasting pumpkins. When I was a kid one of my favorite treats in the late cold fall was roasted pumpkin cubes covered with caramelized sugar and walnuts.
Every time I made the pies, and the kids were around, they had to come help. Needless to say, they love pumpkin pie. Esther would sit on the counter holding the handle on the mixer bowl, watch, and repeat smilingly "pumpkin pie" for the whole time I do the filling. Samuel would want to actually put ingredients in. He is very good at following instructions when helping me or Richard in the kitchen. The kitchen is the one place he does not question, just does. We had lots of fun!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas has begun...

Here are the first gifts for this Christmas. Grandma & Grandpa had given us a package of goodies that we'd use together as a family (aprons, pillow cases and nativity scene-all homemade, Christmas books and cookie cutters) . On the "to do list" now: Gingerbread and Sugar cookies. How fun! Thank you, Gary and Lora Lee!

Christmas is done...I think...

Last Monday we decorated our Christmas tree, hung all other decorations, and put out all of our Christmas books. After four trips to the post office, all gifts and cards have been sent, and now I can enjoy the season and pay attention finally to my fmaily. This is Esther's first "conscious" Christmas, since she is two, and is loving every bit of it. But most of all-the lights. She turns the tree lights on every morning and asks me to turn on the lights outlining the front of the house every time we return home. It's been a little challenging explaining to a toddler that we turn them on only in the evening. Samuel calls our house "The Gingerbread" house. I am not sure where that comes from, but I LOVE it. Add Image

Monday, December 14, 2009

It was fun for me...

My poor kids have been my models for ever, but this time I really pushed their limits. I had them pose for me again and again in my home-made studio. Samuel is always flattered to have his picture taken, but Esther hardly ever looks in the camera when I take her picture. Here they are both doing the opposite of what they usually do. After an hour and this picture I figured it's time to give them a break. :)

Friday, July 31, 2009


At the beginning of this year I took the children to a music class which was recommended to me by a neighbor. "Prelude" is taught by Ana Trevino Godfrey at the "The Motherhood Center" in Houston. I did not know much about it, but I was looking for a new music class for Esther since the teacher we liked at the Gymboree music class left. All I knew about this class was that my friend had a great experience, and it was a place where siblings were welcome. So I took the two kids and hoped for the best. And didn't we find the best?! When Ana, the teacher, started singing, my heart just melted. Her voice was beautiful and powerful. Later I found out that she is a professionally trained opera singer and sings with the Houston Opera. She also was finishing her PHD in Music. And was a mother of two. She was great with the tiny students. She remembered everyone's name from the start. We never had to wear name tags.

Samuel was not sure about the class at first since most of the kids there were much younger than he was. The atmosphere was also a little too calm for him. Sometimes he'd just start running and jumping, and Ana encouraged him and laughed and danced with him. He definitely enjoyed the drum portion of the class. I am sure the people on the street could hear Samuel hitting the African drum inside the studio.

Esther was completely taken by everything associated with the class-the singing, the music, the dancing, the instruments... That's why after the six week class session was over, I took just her for another four week session.

"Prelude" also included two half an hour concerts with professional musicians. The kids were allowed to dance around and sing along. At the first concert we heard a quartet. The first violin was Ana's husband who is a professional violin performer. Ana sang an aria from Rigoletto for us with her 9 month old baby-boy asleep on her shoulder. It was great! At the second concert Ana asked the parents not to allow the children to touch the baroque instruments the musicians were playing, since they were older than our country! We heard a harpsichord, a baroque violin, and a baroque cello. I wish the kids were older to really appreciate this great opportunity.

Our last class was in May, but we still listen to the music in the car and at home, and the kids still sing along . The program that "Prelude" uses is called "Music Together", and I strongly recommend it. It is a great way to have fun with music together as a family. It also helps the children develop appreciation for different kinds of music and thus increase their love for music in general. If you don't live in Houston, you can visit their website, and I am sure you'll be able to find a place near you that teaches it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Morning Glory

I wish I looked this good when I woke up in the morning.

In the laundry basket fighting over the new blue bottle.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Esther's Love For Summer

She loves the beach and the pool. She wears her swimsuit all the time, just in case. She wakes up from her naps and asks for her swimsuit (if she has not been sleeping with it) and her dad, since he has come home a little early a couple of times to go to the pool with us. For a couple of weeks the kids are taking swimming lessons, and if I let her she will wear her wet swimsuit after the lesson until it dries on her. It has been so much fun to take the kids to the beach this summer. They both love it. Our beaches are not great, but the kids don't know any better. They are in heaven when their feet are in the warm water and the sand crunches between their toes.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Update On The Blossoms

Samuel is becoming very attentive and thoughtful of Esther. Recently she had her hand stuck between a wall and an elevator door. It was definitely a scary experience, but luckily not a painful one. Samuel was very scared for her and suggested that we leave Esther at home with daddy next time. Since then Samuel is constantly making sure that Esther does not get hurt and acts very protective of her. In return Esther adores Samuel. She is constantly following him and emulating his actions and words. The kids are also a good influence on each other. Esther calms Samuel with her kind and easy- going demeanor, and Samuel gives her courage and helps her to be adventurous. At the end of the day when the whole house is a mess again, I try to remember how much fun they have had together.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Do You Think We need a Trampoline?!

Miller Outdoor Theater Picnic

This Sunday we went again on a picnic to the little hill in front of Miller Outdoor Theater in Herman Park, Houston. This time the weather was great. It was cool (low 90s) and relatively dry. The air above our heads was filled with low flying dragon flies. It looked like there was a storm coming in the distance. We enjoyed our sandwiches and fruit salad and after ward played some Frisbee. This was Esther's first time playing. She had so much fun in spite of her throws reaching only an inch or so in front of her.

We also reminisced about our fun holiday picnics we had with friends in Battery Park when we lived in New York City. Last month it was four years since we moved to Houston, TX. It still feels like it was yesterday...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Moody Gardens on July 3rd

Daddy (aka Richard) had the Friday before July 4th off, so we wanted to do something together since he's been so busy lately. We went to Moody Gardens on Galveston Island which has many children oriented attractions. It was a hot day-high nighties, so we had planned after seeing a couple of the attractions, to spend most of it at "Palm Beach". Unfortunately the beach area was cramped since so many others had the same idea for spending the holiday. In spite of that, it was still a great day trip.

First, we visited the "Dinosaurs Alive!" exhibit. The dinosaurs were static, but they moved their limbs, necks, mouths, and eyes. It was a little eerie to stand next to a life-like T-Rex who was roaring and staring us with its yellowish eyes. T-Rex was overwhelming even for a dinosaur enthusiast like Samuel. You can tell from his face on the pictures. Esther was completely petrified. She would not let go of her daddy and during the few moments she would sit in her stroller, she did not look amused.

After our Jurassic experience we headed for the more low key Paddlewheel Boat ride.
The Colonel Paddlewheel Boat is an authentic replica of an 1800-style Paddlewheeler. It was relaxing and cool on the boat. The kids enjoyed some icecream and Richard and I our almond butter and jelly sandwiches we'd brought from home. That might be the first boat ride that Samuel will actually remember. He has grown so much in his understanding, and his memory is sometimes much better than mine and Richard's together. He, of course, asked many many many questions about the boat, and we did our best at answering them with our limited paddlewheel boat knowledge. ( Boy, we really should have read up on that before hand. )

Our last stop was the beach, and we spend three hours going up and down the water slides. Lucky for Esther we were allowed to have her ride on our laps, so she had a blast!! Samuel's goes without saying. He loves anything that is fast, a little dangerous, and envolves water. It was a great day!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Blue Bell Ice Cream & Bluebonnets

Last week Richard's aunts from CA visited with us for a couple of days. They wanted to go to the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham, TX which is about an hour and a half from where we live. It was a beautiful drive through the country side. We were lucky to see the last of the famous Bluebonnets, since spring is almost over. They are "dainty little plants which paint the sandy, rolling hills of coastal and southern Texas with sheets of royal-blue in the early spring". We made the same trip three years ago for Samuel to see them, and now Esther got her turn.

The guided tour of the Blue Bell Creamery was fun, especially for the kids - short and sweet, literally. At the end of our tour we had free ice cream! Now Samuel knows that his favorite kind of ice cream is called Vanilla. Before, if one asked him what his favorite ice cream was, he'd say: "White". I take personal motherly pride that our children are ice cream illiterate.

If you have not heard of Blue Bell ice cream, you probably have not lived in the South. It started in Brenham, TX as a small operation in the early 1900s and today Blue Bell has three factories in three different states. Many people love Blue Bell and every one in Richard's family is loyal to the pale yellow bucket. But for me my loyalties are with Ben & Jerry. They got to me first...

On our way back we stopped at a "tried and true" Texas BBQ place -The Goode Co. Delicious!

It was a Texas day through and through!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Too much subburbia...

Wild flowers are everywhere. (Well, in the places which have not been treated for weeds). And they are beautiful. Hopefully these pictures do them justice. Samuel and Esther were not as excited as I was about them. Samuel was extremely careful about the ant piles and talked about them continuously. Esther just did not know what to do with so much nature and was overwhelmed...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dressing up

Esther loves to wear other people's clothes. She is not picky but often goes for Samuel's since they are closer to her size. Often we'd hear her crying for help somewhere, and it is because she is having a hard time putting on some piece of clothing. Pants are the ones that give her the hardest time. So here are a few shots of her modeling. And one just for fun.