Friday, July 31, 2009


At the beginning of this year I took the children to a music class which was recommended to me by a neighbor. "Prelude" is taught by Ana Trevino Godfrey at the "The Motherhood Center" in Houston. I did not know much about it, but I was looking for a new music class for Esther since the teacher we liked at the Gymboree music class left. All I knew about this class was that my friend had a great experience, and it was a place where siblings were welcome. So I took the two kids and hoped for the best. And didn't we find the best?! When Ana, the teacher, started singing, my heart just melted. Her voice was beautiful and powerful. Later I found out that she is a professionally trained opera singer and sings with the Houston Opera. She also was finishing her PHD in Music. And was a mother of two. She was great with the tiny students. She remembered everyone's name from the start. We never had to wear name tags.

Samuel was not sure about the class at first since most of the kids there were much younger than he was. The atmosphere was also a little too calm for him. Sometimes he'd just start running and jumping, and Ana encouraged him and laughed and danced with him. He definitely enjoyed the drum portion of the class. I am sure the people on the street could hear Samuel hitting the African drum inside the studio.

Esther was completely taken by everything associated with the class-the singing, the music, the dancing, the instruments... That's why after the six week class session was over, I took just her for another four week session.

"Prelude" also included two half an hour concerts with professional musicians. The kids were allowed to dance around and sing along. At the first concert we heard a quartet. The first violin was Ana's husband who is a professional violin performer. Ana sang an aria from Rigoletto for us with her 9 month old baby-boy asleep on her shoulder. It was great! At the second concert Ana asked the parents not to allow the children to touch the baroque instruments the musicians were playing, since they were older than our country! We heard a harpsichord, a baroque violin, and a baroque cello. I wish the kids were older to really appreciate this great opportunity.

Our last class was in May, but we still listen to the music in the car and at home, and the kids still sing along . The program that "Prelude" uses is called "Music Together", and I strongly recommend it. It is a great way to have fun with music together as a family. It also helps the children develop appreciation for different kinds of music and thus increase their love for music in general. If you don't live in Houston, you can visit their website, and I am sure you'll be able to find a place near you that teaches it.


  1. Hey - you're blogging! Great to see what you guys have been up. Looks like you've been having a good summer.

  2. I need your mailing address. Please email it to me at
