Friday, March 27, 2009


Esther finally started walking voluntarily on her eighteenth month Birthday, a few days before she started going to our Church's nursery on Sundays. I say voluntarily since for the past four months, on occasion, we have gently persuaded her to walk from one parent to the other. She thought that it was a great game and excitedly participated, but rarely ventured to do it on her own. A few weeks ago she figured that walking is not only a game but it can be a another way of moving her body. What a relief! We knew she was capable, she just could not be rushed...


  1. Hi! I'm so excited to keep up with your blog and see the cute pictures of your kids. Come out and visit us here sometime too!

  2. Congrats on the new blog! YOur children are too cute! I am not sure if you have our blog address or not, if not it is:

  3. Elena, I'm so glad you have a blog!! =) Your children are gorgeous! That's so funny that your daughter waited so long to walk! She was waiting for just the right moment.

  4. Cute Elena! Now you have to dicipline yourself well enough so that it won't take over your life. Of course, it is great for journaling and keeping in touch with loved ones!

  5. I'm so excited that you have a blog! Thanks for the invite to view. Your kids are beautiful!

  6. Hi! Thanks for letting us know about your blog. We've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. We are excited to keep up on you and your family! Love to all. We have a blog too, email me and I'll give you the address.

  7. Hooray for your new blog! Esther is so cute in that picture - I love her dress.

  8. Welcome to the blogging world! :) I'm so glad she finally decided walking wasn't so bad.

  9. Your blog looks great Elena! I love your photos - keep them coming!
