Tuesday, October 19, 2010

These two pumpkins demanded that they share a room. The plan was different, but when we were setting up Esther's bed, both of them said that they had to be in the same room. This actually solved many sleeping issues. Samuel was afraid of the dark, and Esther would scream in the middle of the night if a thunderstorm started. They would come to our bed, and then nobody would get any sleep. Now they keep each other company and rarely visit our bed in the middle of the night, which we greatly appreciate. Sometimes we'll find them sleeping in the same bed, and since Esther always falls asleep after Samuel, we'd ask her why she is sleeping in Samuel's bed and she'd say: "Samuel needs me..." What does one say to that?! I have to admit after she's completely asleep I move her so that she can get a better sleep. The room in which she slept while she was a baby was the coldest in the house, because of our crazy air-conditioning. She now likes it cold while she sleeps, and she never uses her covers. I wonder if she will outgrow this...

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. That picture must be used on Samuel's wedding video someday.
