Thursday, June 14, 2012

Samuel's "Award Ceremony" and Esther's last school day

This was basically Samuel's graduation from first grade.  We were all confused what an "award ceremony" exactly meant, especially Samuel. He thought that he would actually receive an award and a new bike was what he had in mind.   The ceremony turned out to be an aknowledgment in front of the parents for their children's accomplishments during the year. Samuel received an achievement notation for everything on the list, which was not the case for every child.  He was recognized for achievement in academics, young writers, reading, buddy and a few other things.  I need to dig out the paper out of the big pile of school work still covering my desk to list the rest.  I wanted to have this picture of him with his classmates and teacher -Miss Staes, whom he loved.

Here is Esther's last day from pre-school.  She had a great year in school, learned a lot, and made many friends.  If you ask her what is her favorite thing to do, she would say with a big smile:  "Going to school." At this school they don't only learn their ABC's and 123's, at which they do a great job, but they also pray before every meal, learn stories from the bible, and of course are treated kindly and fairly.  We are so excited that she will be going there again next year.  This is a small school and is very hard to get into.  Once you are in, your other children will get a preference for enrollment.  Every one else has to try their luck at the lottery.  I was not as lucky with Samuel and still feel bad...  I wish I could start a private school where the standards of our LDS Church would be enforced and of course children can get a better shot at education than they currently do in the public schools.  It would be place where there will be no free time to show movies, a place where the teachers will be paid better, a place where they can eat lunch which did not come from a package...  The dreams....

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